The yard sale went well. The rain stopped long enough to have a great day. It came back again yesterday and today. Thursday morning the schools had a 2 hour delay because of the rain. My house is getting back to normal, so I'm happy about that!
After work today, I ran by CVS and Target.
First, you will notice that I'm in a snacking mood today. Don't judge. PMS happens.
All Crayola at CVS is B1G1 50% off this week. I've been looking at this 3D Sidewalk Chalk at Target for a while now for Jimmy's cousin for Christmas. (We'll not talk about then I went to Target and all their Crayola chalk items are on clearance.)
The dry erase crayons are probably going to be better received than dry erase markers, so I got those to go with the $2 dry erase removable sticky pad I found clearanced at Target a couple of weeks ago.
All in all, with my $5/$25 coupon I spent $16.04 out of pocket and got back a $9 ECB for the Revlon.
I forgot to take my ECBs from last week with me, so I had a higher out of pocket. It happens.
Where was the glass cleaner when I had a coupon last month?
The Spongebob and Diego books were clearanced to .88 cents each. Again, going in kids' Christmas presents.
Funny thing about the Golden Grahams:
12 oz was $2.54
16 oz was $2.39
These were the regular prices, not that one was on sale. Obviously, I bought the 16 oz.
Select ice cream items are Buy 5, get a $5 giftcard.
Since I was going to buy 1, why not buy 5?
Remember, we're not judging. ;)
I am running to Rite Aid tomorrow. I'm going out to dinner with friends tonight, and my Rite Aid seems to close really early. I was going to go earlier but didn't have my Up Rewards with me. The story of my unorganized day.
Luckily there are about 5 Rite Aids in a 2 mile radius of me (not kidding!), so I think I'll be able to get the Schick razors, Nivea chapstick and Viva Paper towels. I'm hoping anyway.
I'd been saving my $2 Video Values coupon for Banana Boat sunscreen until it goes on clearance. I skipped a couple of weeks at RA and when I went back in at the end of last week they only had 4 bottles of sunscreen left. Total. Of course those were RA brand, so my coupons weren't any good, but I was amazed at how quickly the sunscreen was scooped up. I didn't pursue more than one store as it was going to be a good deal if they had it, but not a search around for it. However, the deals this week definitely will be!